Showing posts with label Pennsylvania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pennsylvania. Show all posts

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Side Angle: Wissahickon Magarge Creek Waterfalls

Just a few side angle shots of the waterfalls from one of the bench cliff perspectives.

What's great about this park is the many areas to view the sights & landmarks!

If you would like to see more photos of the waterfalls or of Wissakickon, check all my posts for August 2012.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Wissahickon Magarge Waterfall: "Tv" Photo Effect

This is what the DSLR manual will call "more advanced techniques".
Well, I don't know anything about that. But, it's tricky, and I'm still learning it.
It's a setting on the DSLR (Canon Rebel XS) called "Tv".

Generally, the manual instructs users to try this with running water, like water fountains and waterfalls, and I often see this effect on running water to give it a foamy look. But, the manual says it can be used for motion blurs on stuff like running children, or whatever.

The trouble with it is that it has a tendency to white wash everything, especially in direct sunlight. So, I haven't quite figured it out entirely when programming the camera. My only trickity-lil-trick so far is to just shoot in ambient daylight, like cloudy or partly cloudy when a cloud blocks the sun. Unless I figure out a better way to program it. (Still learning.)

I still haven't tried it at night yet, either. But, I would like to. So, these are all just experimental for me.

To give you an example of just what exactly this is, I'll show a comparison:

Without "Tv" With "TV"

Hopefully this explains it better than words. But, you can also tell how much brighter the "Tv" makes it. Since I shot these when a giant cloud blocked the sun for a while! Also, it MUST be shot on a tripod with a remote. Mine is an old vintage tripod, so it's wobbly! So, I have to stand there, brace the tripod, and shoot several frames in order to get it something right. Anyways, like I said: I'm still learning....

Sunlight with cast shadows/shade

Cloud blocking sunlight ambient light

Foamy swirls

If you would like to see more photos of the waterfalls or of Wissakickon, check all my posts for August 2012.

Wissahickon Creek Magarge Dam Waterfall: Fog Filter

費城!  Wissahickon Valley Park, Chestnut Hill West, Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Forbidden Drive
Magarge Dam Waterfall

Here are the frames I shot with the fog filter.
I didn't get as many because I filled up my memory card very fast!

If you would like to see more photos of the waterfalls or of Wissakickon, check all my posts for August 2012.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wissahickon Park: Babbling Brook at Forbidden Drive

In Chestnut Hill Philadelphia there's an ancient place which is now a public park: Wissahickon Valley Park. There you will find all kinds of unique sights. There are remnants of old mill dams, creeks, babbling brooks, paths, and many other wonders to delight the eyes. The air is so fragrant & pleasing!

I took a train ride from 30th Street Station to Chestnut Hill West, and got off at Highland. There, I strolled past estates & mini mansions to Rex Ave. Until I came to an old broken road. At first, I didn't know if I was in the right place, and my 4G stopped working... when suddenly, I saw a runner huffing & puffing from out of nowhere... later I began meeting many other nature lovers: people with dogs, Scout Troops, Youth Groups, and even Equestrians (people on horseback)!

Along the path, at many points you will hear running water.... It's mostly underground drainage at first... but, then you will come to the brook. It sounds pleasing to the ears and is very relaxing. The air is full of many delightful scents!: Flowers from the many types of naturally growing trees or wild flowers, evergreens, fragrant grasses, and even the brook its self.

 You will notice that many f the parts of the brook where there are mini waterfalls, that they are man-made. Who did this? Why? And, how long ago?

Hundreds of years ago, this was a place where many mills were, so the dammed the creek to power their mills. Not only that, but centuries ago, this was a main road for travelers.

To this day, the VERY 1st public drinking fountain is still along the road which is now called FORBIDDEN DRIVE. (Sorry, no photos available.)
In the 1800s, it was Philadelphia's 1st public drinking fountain erected for thirsty travelers. It had natural spring water. However, it was sealed in the 1960s due to pollution contamination of the spring.

Hmmmm.... I wonder if it could be amended today... Hello! Mayor Nutter! Here's a thought!

Here are some of the frames that WOULD'VE been better had the giant clouds not rolled in durring my shooting process!

If you would like to see more photos of the waterfalls or of Wissakickon, check all my posts for August 2012.